Article 36 of 62
The North Caucasus had enough Mr. Putin
Sunday, October 29, 2006, 2:47:26 AM | The Eagle's Editorial Collection
Since Russian imperial Tsarist invading forces starting with "Evan the Terrible" had begun their aggressions against the North Caucasus and other nations and regions, they had one and only one fancy in mind which was to occupy, conquer, and colonize the lands of others, which presented by their selfish method, "The end justifies the means". In that regard, and in the same sense, it is profound to remember that "The foolish and dead alone never change their options" and "He that never changes his opinions, never corrects his mistakes, and will never be wiser on the morrow than he is today". Genocide and ethnic cleansing of those who discredited the value of life in addition to lots of harmful and painful effects were the direct impact on tens of peoples and nations that they had to suffer and still under Russian direct occupation and colonization. All of tyrant acts and crimes are like debts, and the oppressed nations are the creditors. In that regard, "Creditors have better memories than debtors"; but "short debts make long friends"! The sky is the limit for atrocities that imperialism brought to the North Caucasus Region, starting from wars misery, bloodshed, human tragedies, man-slaughter, destruction, violence, waste of life & resources, torture and last but not least, the military occupation and colonization. As war is considered as failure of human wisdom, then who brought the war and destruction to the Caucasus and still must be accountable and responsible for the consequences. When the Tsars brought the Cossacks to fight for the Russian empire and implement the brutal policy of occupation and imperialism, some (which is a portion of countless crimes) of their criminal acts against the oppressed nations and peoples are still remembered and sorrow memories are still memorized in peoples minds. Now comes again the repetition of irresponsible acts, atrocities, and savage crimes to keep grabbing every thing, but this time in the 21st century with media showing and transmitting all acts of savage colonial occupation and aggression through out the world. The remaining brave Caucasians survive (after millions had perished through out the Russian wars against the Caucasus nations) with the famous proverb in mind "That which does not kill you, makes you stronger". Nowadays, history repeats itself, when few days ago the president of the "Federal Republic Of Russia" signed a law "On State Service of the Russian Cossacks", which sets legal and organizational framework for the use of Cossacks in state, civil, military and law enforcement services! That shows the concept of so-called federation, which is between individuals, security agencies and opportunists. In Rostov Oblast, Cossack Army Chief Viktor Vodolacky believes that "Cossack activities will be in high demand in other Russian regions since Cossacks provide heads of the law enforcement agencies with real help in performing all tasks set by federal center! Those opportunists are seizing the moment, they are taking the opportunity now, and they are voluntarily slaving themselves once more for the services and to be the tools of evils and devils; but they should know that "Truth will prevail" and "As you sow, so will you reap"!
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Eagle/Justice For North Caucasus
The North Caucasus had enough Mr. Putin